Research Affiliations
2018 - Present
Adjunct Faculty, School of Environmental Studies, University of Victoria, Canada
2018 - 2019
Visiting Scholar at Stanford University in the Graduate School of Education, USA
2011 - 2016
Adjunct Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Research and Innovation in Sustainability Education, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia.
Educational Researcher, Center for Education, Diversity and Excellence (CREDE), U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, National Institute on the Education of At-Risk Students., USA
As an environmental journalist, author, communicator and academic, I work in collaboration with institutions, organizations and media outlets to engage people with solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss. I am a leading proponent for evidence-based hope and solutions-focused communications in response to the climate crisis. My work explores the reciprocal relationships between humans and the more than human world, particularly in relation to resilience in social-ecological systems; the implications of the narrative of doom and gloom on agency, empowerment and engagement; how inequality and other social justice issues shape the emotional toll of climate disruption; the integration of solutions journalism into biodiversity and climate change communications; and children’s environmental literature.
Thesis Supervision
by Kara Vicent
by Kaeli Marie Benoit
by Waheema Ashgar
by Carly Louise Armstrong
by Monica Colette Bruse Gehrig
by Joy Vance Beauchamp
by James Gordon
by Matthias Jozef Starzner
Academic Publications
Kelsey, E. (in process). Why Evidence-based Hope is Critical to Meaningful Climate Engagement in an Age of Doomism. In S. van den Heuvel & A. Scioli (Eds.), The Oxford Compendium of Hope. Oxford University Press.
Kelsey, E. (2023). Why I Sleep Outside. Springs. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Munich, Germany.
Kelsey, E. (2021) Celebrations of Resilience. In M. Oziewicz, B. Attebery and T. Dědinová (Eds.) Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene: Imagining Futures and Dreaming Hope in Literature and Media. Bloomsbury Academic, London. UK.
Kelsey, E. (2016). Propagating Hope. Emotions and Environmental Education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 21.
Kelsey, E., (Ed.) (2014). Beyond Doom and Gloom: An Exploration through Letters. RCC Perspectives, 6.
Ardoin, N.M., Gould, R.K., Fielding-Singh, P. & Kelsey, E. (2014). Collaborative and Transformational Leadership in the Environmental Realm. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 17(3), 360–380. DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2014.954075
Kelsey, E. (2013). Circumnavigating Hope. 3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress Proceedings. Marseille, France.
Kelsey, E. and Armstrong, C. (2012). Finding Hope in a World of Environmental Catastrophe. In A. Wals and P.B. Corcoran (Eds). Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change (187–200). Wageningen Academic Publishers’ Education and Sustainable Development Series, NL.
Kelsey, E and Zeyer, A. (2012). Environmental Education in a Cultural Context. In M. Brody, J. Dillon, B. Stevenson & A. Wals. (Eds.) International Handbook of Research in Environmental Education (206–213). AERA/LEA.
Ardoin, N.M., Clark, C.R., & Kelsey, E. (2012). An Exploration of Future Trends in Environmental Education Research. Environmental Education Research, 19(4). DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2012.709823
Kelsey, E. (2011). Nurturing hope, happiness and resiliency in a time of environmental despair. Sixth World Environmental Education Congress Proceedings. Brisbane, Australia.
Kelsey, E. (2011). Nurturing hopeful narratives in the age of climate change and environmental despair. Invitational Seminar on Climate Change Education Proceedings. Cairns, Australia.
Kelsey, E. (2011). How Do We Sustain Educators, Environmentalists, and Students in the Gloomy World of Climate Change? American Education Research Association Annual Proceedings. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kelsey, E. and Dillon, J. (2010). If the public knew better, they would act better: Challenging the myth of the ignorant public. In R. Stevenson and J. Dillon (Eds). Engaging Environmental Education, Learning Culture and Agency (99–110). Rotterdam: Sense.
Kelsey, E. (2010). Teaching climate change from a hopeful perspective. European Council of International Schools Conference Proceedings. Nice, France.
Kool, R. & Kelsey, E. (2006). Dealing with despair: The psychological implications of environmental issues. In W.L. Filho & M. Salomone (Eds). Innovative Approaches to Education for Sustainable Development. Peter Lang Publishing.
Kelsey, E. (2006) Conversations about conservation: conversation-based learning theory and the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s volunteer guide program. American Education Research Association Annual Proceedings. San Francisco, CA.
Kelsey, E. (2003). Constructing the Public: Implications of the discourse of international environmental agreements on conceptions of education and public participation. Environmental Education Research. 9(4).
Kelsey, E. (2003). Integrating Multiple Knowledge Systems into Environmental Decision-making: Two Case Studies of Participatory Biodiversity Initiatives in Canada and their Implications for Conceptions of Education and Public Involvement. Environmental Values, 12. The White Horse Press.
Kelsey, E (2003). Conversations about Conservation: An Evaluation of Guide/Guest Interactions and Guide Training at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The Informal Learning Review. No. 62.
Kelsey, E. (2002). Implications of the Nation-State System on Public Involvement in Environmental Problem-Solving. In: F. Biermann, R. Brohm, & K. Dingwerth, (Eds) Proceedings of the 2001 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change: Global Environmental Change and the Nation State. PIK Report No. 80, Potsdam: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Kelsey, E. (2001). Reconfiguring public involvement: Conceptions of “education” and “the public” in international environmental agreements. Doctoral Thesis, King’s College London, London, England.
Kelsey, E. (2001). Spontaneous Interpretation of Real Life Events: An Innovation in Conservation Education. Journal of the International Zoo Educators Association, 37.
Kelsey, E. (2000). Real-life events: a new approach to zoo interpretation. Interpretation Journal, 5(3), 8–10.
Kelsey, E. (2000). Common themes across a varied geography: A first look at theory and practices of biodiversity education in Canada. In W. A. Kent & S. Jackson (Eds.), Geography and Environmental Education: International Perspectives, 163–8. London: Institute of Education, University of London.
Dillon, J., Kelsey, E. & Duque-Aristizabal, A. M. (1999). Identity and Culture: theorising emergent environmentalism. Environmental Education Research, 5(3), 395–405.
Kelsey, E. (1998). Biodiversity Education, Awareness and Training in Canada. In Public Education and Awareness: How to put it into Practice. Global Biodiversity Forum Proceedings. Switzerland: IUCN.
Kelsey, E. (1998). Conceptions of “Education” and “the Public” in International Environmental Agreements. In M. Meheut & G. Rebmann (Eds) Theory, Methodology and Results of Research in Science Education. 102–5. Marley-le-Roi, France: ESERA.
Kelsey, E. (1996). Contemporary Approaches for Public Participation-Based Conservation and their Implications for the Canadian Museum of Nature. Biodiversity News, 5, 13–8.
Kelsey, E. & Nightingale, J. (1995). The Role of Partnerships in Implementing a New Marine Protected Area: A Case Study of Whytecliff Park. In: N. L. Shackell & J. H. Willison (Eds), Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Fisheries. Science and Management of Protected Areas Association. Nova Scotia, Canada.
Kelsey, E. (1994). An Alternative Paradigm for Conservation Education: Innovations in the Public Presentation of Killer Whales at the Vancouver Aquarium. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Kelsey, E. (1991). Conceptual change and killer whales: constructing ecological values for animals at the Vancouver Aquarium. International Journal of Science Education, 13(5), 551–9.
Kelsey, E. & Wright, C. (1990). “After the show”: New developments in the training and interpretation of killer whales at the Vancouver Aquarium. IMATA proceedings. 150–156. DeVilbiss Printers: Baltimore.
Kelsey, E. (1989). Parameters for Consideration in the Planning and Design of a New Exhibit—Arctic Canada. Visitor Studies: Theory, Research and Practice Volume 2. 140–8. Jacksonville, AL: Center for Social Design.